Thursday, June 30, 2016


Hello to all my friends. Here goes something new.

A lot of you know that I’m writing a novel, have been for years now. Well, you might say things are getting serious. Several life-altering things happened this year:
  • ·       I got married and moved to Arkansas
  • ·        I completed Ted Dekker’s writing course, The Creative Way, which includes working with his editor, Erin Healy
  • ·       I signed up for the American Christian Fiction Writers conference in August. Which means I will actually meet Ted. And pitch my book to editors.

Part of Ted’s writing course is focused on connecting with an audience. He talks about helping people find my work and know who I am. As I pondered these things, I was startled and kind of frightened to realize that I am actually writing for Mennonites, at least in part. It’s startling because my novel is young adult fantasy. I don’t know of any other conservative Mennonites publishing fantasy or young adult. (I’d love to meet them if you find any)

When my dream to write this genre began, I assumed I was writing for teens, young adults, and adults who like character driven stories, but not really Mennonites.
God poked me and casually mentioned that Mennonites are also teens, young adults, and even some adults who like character driven stories. I’ve met dozens of fantasy-loving Mennonites. I’m sure some of you are just that.

And that brings me to the point of this post(and this new blog).
I need your help. Would you help me find these fantasy/YA loving Mennonites?

For those of you who aren’t Mennonite at all and wondering where you fit into this, I need your help too, just as much. If you like fantasy, or even if you don’t, would you help me find other fantasy lovers?
Or maybe I should say, help them find me. I don’t want to just write stories I love; I want people to read them and love them too.

Here’s what I need you to do.
I’m starting an email list, and I’ll be sending out excerpts from my book (maybe some sneak peeks into the next one), updates on progress, thoughts about writing, and other things to help you get to know me and my story. If you know anyone who wants that, please email me at

I’ll be updating this blog regularly with what’s going on in my writing life. You can find them if you like my author page: Sheri Yutzy.

You can also find images from my stories on Pinterest under Sheri Yutzy. Look for Seal up the Stars, Waves of the Sea, and Chambers of the South.

Thank you all for your beautiful support. I have heard only encouragement about my dream to publish this story. I couldn’t do it without you!